Reference 參考資料 |
Pathology/Product used 病理症狀/使用產品 |
Key results on performance & adverse events 主要治療結果 & 不良反應記錄 |
Comparison of perineural platelet-rich plasma and dextrose injections for moderate carpal tunnel syndrome: A prospective randomized, single-blind, head-to-head comparative trial
Shen et al J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2019
Carpal tunnel Syndrome
RegenKit THT-1
- There were significant improvements in most measurements at 6 months compared to baseline in both groups.
- PRP treatment tended to result in between outcomes at 6 months compared to D5W treatment, even if there were not always significant differences between groups.
- No adverse events reported.
Ultrasound-guided perineural injection with platelet-rich plasma improved the Neurophysiological parameters of carpal tunnel syndrome: A case report
Kuo et al J Clin Neurosci 2017
Carpal tunnel Syndrome
RegenKit THT-1
- Pain, paresthesia and hypesthesia of both hands decreased gradually over 2 weeks.
- Follow-up nerve conduction study of both median nerves at 3 and 6 months after injection revealed significant improvements in the distal motor and sensory latencies as well as sensory nerve action potential and compound muscle action potential amplitudes.
- If patients with CTS are refractory to conservative treatments, US-guided PRP injection may be an option.
- No adverse reactions were observed.
Autologous bone marrow concentrate combined with platelet- rich plasma enhance bone allograft potential to induce spinal fusion
Vadala et al J biol regul homeost Agents 2016
Isthmic/degenerative spondylolisthesis, or stenosis involving the lumbar spine
Regen ACR-C Type I
- Cumputed tomography scans at 12 months, showed good fusion masses (allograft alone) in 4 patients and poor in 6 patients; good left masses (allograft + BMC + PRP) in 9 patients and poor in 1 patient.
- The differences detected between right-side and left-side masses show an advantage in adding BMC and PRP to the bone allograft to increase spinal fusion rate.
- No significant intraoperative postoperative complications or adverse or effects due to the bone marrow aspiration.
Posterolateral arthrodesis in lumbar spine surgery using autologous platelet-rich plasma and cancellous bone substitute: an osteoinductive and osteoconductive effect
Tarantino et al Global spine journal 2014
Lumbar stenosis (15pts) or Lumbar body fractures (5pts)
Regen ACR-C Type I
- Bone density after 6 months was significantly improved respect to pretreatment and to the left control side (p<0.05).
- The difference of bone density between sides was no significative at 12 months post treatment.
- PRP used in combination with cancellous bone substitute increases the speed of bone production in posterolateral arthrodesis joining osteoinductive and osteoconductive effect.
The use of platelet gel in postero-lateral fusion: preliminary results in a series of 14 cases
Landi et al Eur Spine J 2011
Vertebral fixation or postero-lateral fusion
Regen ACR-C Type I
- Complete bone fusion was achieved in all patients within 6 months. PRP treated side showed fasted bone deposition, especially during the first 3 months after treatment:
- Bone density:
- 3months: 345 HU vs 558 HU (PRP)
- 6months: 634 HU vs 760 HU (PRP)
- The autologous platelet preparation used seems to accelerate bony deposition and to promote tissue healing, increasing bone density at posterior-lateral arthrodesis. Moreover, this preparation has low production costs and is easy to apply.